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What Is Sukkot: Understanding the History and Traditions
After being freed from Egypt, the Jewish People began in the desert towards Israel. The journey in the desert began, God protected them with the clouds of glory. It protected all people from all harm and discomfort in the desert. In order to commemorate this we build a sukkah a temporary tent that reminds us about the miracle he did. Which the roof is made of schach natural materiel that have grown from the ground, The sukkah is used for seven days starting from the first day of sukkot. It’s customary to start building the sukkah after Yom Kippur, however if it’s not done then it’s totally fine. Most people hang beautiful decorations in there sukkah to show their love for the holiday. The Torah commands us to take the lulav (a frond from a date palm), an Etrog (a citron), haddasim (myrtle branches), and aravot (willow) on sukkot. Every day of sukkot, except Shabbat, we take the Four Species. The lulav, haddasim and aravot are tied together, with the lulav in the center. With the “spine” of the lulav facing us, the three haddasim to the right and the two aravot to the left. We pick up this bundle in our right hand, and pick up the etrog in our left hand. We make the blessing over it and then shake it in all six directions.