Extra Aravot willows Branches for Sukkot - 2 pieces in a pack
Aravot or willows Branches, are one of the four species, in Hebrew known as Arba'at HaMinim, that are used together with other 3 to celebrate the Jewish Holiday of Sukkot.
This extra set of 2 aravos for your Lulav and Esrog is a great convenience as a backup if your aravot generally dry out in the middle of Sukkot
Delivery in USA only
Please choose Express Option to arrive on time.
Please note: These are natural items which need refrigeration to preserve them properly, Please take care to open package immediately and place the willow and myrtle in the refrigerator until the eve of Sukkot.
Mitzvahland has over 30 years of experience with supplying Lulav and Etrog sets to the Jewish community. We sell only the finest, freshest and highest quality of four species, and all Packed to withstand shipment.