La Sabiduria Fememina -Women's Wisdom - Spanish
New!!! The book "Women's Wisdom - The Garden of Peace for Women" from Rabbi Shalom Arush shlita in Spanish, bestselling author of "The Garden of Emuna," "The Garden of Peace," "In Forest Fields," and more is finally here! The book is reader-friendly and designed both for women who are not yet married as well as women who have already celebrated their golden anniversary. There are times when we search our souls and ask ourselves, "Why aren't we women fulfilling our potential? Are we aware of our own tremendous power?" A woman must know her phenomenal intrinsic value and capabilities. Through this understanding, she derives the strength to withstand all of her trials and challenges, and she becomes more effective in building her home, as King Solomon says, "A wise woman builds her home, and the fool, with her own hands destroys it" (Mishlei 14:1). Much more than a marital guide - includes eight sections that cover every aspect of a woman's life, including marriage, successfully raising children, dealing with financial matters, and even food! This is a must read for every woman of every age, lifestyle and background!!! 414 pages, softcover.