Pictorial Parsha - Sefer Bereshit
Let’s face it. It isn’t always easy to engage people in the parsha, particularly when those sitting around the table include children of varying ages. A well-prepared, super-interesting dvar Torah or story help - especially the stories! - but, even then, attention can be at a premium.
Here is an innovative way that has been proven to be effective at getting people engaged: images that are connected to the parsha. At the Shabbos table the author displays them for all to see and asks one simple question: “What does this picture have to do with the parsha?” From young to old, children to adults, guests to family members, everyone finds the challenge irresistible.
Dimensions: 10.5" x 10.5"
Author: Rabbi Yehoshua Berman
Language : English
Number of pages: 209
Binding type: Hard Cover