The path of the Just - Mesillas Yesharim - Full size
Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (RaMChaL), was a great teacher and a prolific author of the early eighteenth century. His timeless works have become some of the basic texts for understanding fundamental concepts in Jewish thought and self improvement. Of the many works of Ramchal, Mesillas Yesharim stands out as his magnum opus and has enjoyed great renown since it was first published in 1740 in Amsterdam.
This treasured classic, newly translated in 2005, includes the complete Hebrew text with facing English translation and shoulder captions for clarity; and revitalizes the study of Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto's classic ethical work. The Path of the Just has long been regarded as the crown jewel of mussar study.
The Gaon of Vilna constantly kept a copy of Mesillas Yesharim at his side, and yet the piercing wisdom of the Ramchal is just as relevant to our own lives. The author gently guides the reader through various levels of character refinement, shining a beacon of light on the path to perfection.
Dimensions: 6 1/4" x 9 1/4"
Binding: Hard Cover 184
Pages: 184